Something happened 23rd August 2012 not only did I finally turn 16 but my best friend
brought me two colours from the Rimmel London lasting finish collection pear drop and hot 'n' spicy to this day still two of my favourite colours I own. Since then my nail polish collection has grown - I now own 35 nail polishes all thanks to Paige Wyllie. Well after my
16th birthday I went shopping with my friends to buy things (shocker!who would have thought you go shopping to buy stuff? not me!) and i saw some nail polishes from this collection I had gotten for my birthday so I picked up a couple as it was 3 for 2 who can't resist an offer? From that point onward I had the need to complete this collection. After i had completed it I was on the hunt for a pastel yellow as I had seen Butter London's Jasper but i refused to pay £13 for a bottle of nail polish! I soon came across the Topshop bees knees but couldn't bring myself to buy it as I felt like I needed a nail polish time out.
However, compared to all the beauty guru's my collection is minuscule for example SparklyBarbiexo has over 100 bottles of OPI and they aren't cheap either!
So a year later I turned 17 and yet
again LittleMissPaige28 got me more nail polish but to my surprise it included a pastel yellow yay *fist pump*
but Rach has also got me a pastel yellow can you take any guesses to which one, yup the Topshop one I had wanted for months! It's safe to say I have amazing friends! Not to long ago Rimmel had brought out a new line to their lasting finish collection so obviously I had to purchase the ones i wanted - can you expect anything different from a nail polish addict? I certainly wouldn't. So are you wondering where my Essie came into this? Well
Paige (LittleMissPaige28) had purchased Where's My Chauffeur after Christmas and in the Summer months she had added Fiji to her collection. So when I was doing a bit of on the line shopping on Superdrug i had a quick look at what they had in their Essie
range; I was amazed by these metal effects and I'm really into my blues recently so
I purchased Blue Rhapsody. Quite recently Rach and I took a trip to Liverpool to check out the University and when looking at Unis you HAVE to check out the shopping center so that is exactly what we did. I found four Superdrug's and had to pop in to had a browse and pick up a couple of Christmas presents I w
as doing great until i came across the Essie stand and had seen the nail polish from the Autumn collection I've wanted since it was released and right next to it was the Luxeeffects topcoats. What can I say I'm an impulsive shopper so i purchased After School Boy Blazer and Stroke of Brilliance, woops.
Hope you enjoyed reading something new
have a relaxing evening guys
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