I know I know I've been out of the blogging game for a little so to make it up to my RSNEDers I thought I would let you into a little secret I've been nominated for the Liebster Awards by the wonderful http://littlemisspaige28.blogspot.co.uk/. So what is the Liebster Awards I here you ask, well it is an awards thing on the internet for new Bloggers with less than 200 followers (hence why Paige and I have been nominated) to get noticed.

The rules are simple and are as follows:
1. You must link back to the blogger who nominated you
2. Write 11 facts about yourself
3. Then you answer the 11 questions you were given
4. Nominate 11 other bloggers (also under 200 followers) and give them 11 questions to answer
5. You CANNOT nominate the person you nominated you
6. You MUST include the Liebster Awards logo
1. I'm part Australian (well legally)
2. I have a weird scar on my leg that healed outwards (it's gross)
3. I have a tattoo of Pi π on my ankle
4. The belly is pierced along with the standard ear piercings
5. My wrists are covered in accessories
(Michael Kors watch, Pandora bracelet, TrollBeads braclet and 2 Tresor Paris bracelets)
6. Paige inspired me to create a blog
7. My brother is 3 years younger than me
8. My mum is a fitness instructor
10. I want to be a Clinical Psychologist
11. I am a make-up and nail polish addict...
1. If you had to belong to one of the districts in the Hunger Games which one would it be and why?
District 8 as it is the textiles district and well because I am a shopaholic.
2. Cookies or Brownies?
Cookies and the way they come in more flavours, brownies are always chocolate
3. Favourite Harry Potter character?
Albus Dumbledore4. Favourite Band/Singer?
Band - Imagine Dragons, Singer - Lady Gaga
5. Team Delena or Team Stelena
6. Gold or Silver
7. Winter Birthday or Summer Birthday?
Summer Birthday
8. Favourite Holiday?
Easter due to unlimited chocolate!
9. Would you rather change gender every time you sneezed or in extreme pain every time you coughed?
Change gender every time you sneeze
10. Favourite Book?
At the moment it is Divergent by Veronica Roth
11. Signature Scent
Hollister SolCal
1. Triwizard Tournament or The Hunger Games?
2. Would you rather have a elephant sized rabbit or a rabbit sized elephant?
3. Which flavour from Berty Bott's Every Flavour Beans is your favourite?
4. If you were stranded on an island and could only take one book which book would it be?
5. Who is the hottest celebrity?
6. Android or Apple?
7. What is your favourite fashion trend at the moment?
8. What is the best musical of all times?
9. What is your favourite nail polish
10. Your best television show?
11. Lastly, who is your favourite book character
Once again thankyou to the lovely Paige for nominating me for the Liebster awards I am really grateful
toodle-pip me lovelies
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