Saturday 17 May 2014

I've Been Away For A While

I know I've been away for a while but I do have a legit reason.
My exams start this month so I have been spending a lot of my free time revising which means I haven't had a lot of time to blog - sorry guys!
Anyway this is just a quick post to let you know I'm going to be away for a little while longer.
But I will be back full time 18th June with a proper schedule. As of 18th June I will be posting Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday (what do you think about that?).
Now I'm here I might do a quick update of what I've been doing and my favourites of the moment.
So as my friends know I'm moving to Australia this Summer and last week my dad booked our tickets :( Me and daddy leave 24th August at 11.30, it's coming around really fast now.
Erm my exams start on 22nd May, I have 7 exams 5 in maths and 2 in psychology.
I'm near the end of my driving, my test is coming up soon - eek.
Currently I am loving my Rimmel Apocalips in the shade Galaxy and the Urban Decay eyeshadow in suspect 
 Greys Anatomy has become my new favourite show and I finally have the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer on my kindle - woop woop.

What is new with all of you?
toodle-pip me lovelies

Beth xxx

Sunday 4 May 2014

April Wrap-Up and May TBR

I read a grand total of 5 book in April which brings me up to book 10 of my 50 book challenge for this year. Considering I only read on average of 2 books a months 5 is a very good reading month!
So down to the books, as I read most of my books on my Kindle I don't have the physical copies.

The first book I completed was Legend by Marie Lu 

This is the first book of the Legend trilogy and follows a girl called June in a futuristic America called the Republic. 
Anyway if you want to read the synopsis I'll insert the GoodReads link here
I gave the book a 4 out of 5 stars as it was really good and I thoroughly enjoy it. I actually enjoyed so much I couldn't put it down the entire time and read it withing 3-4 days.
I am so excited to start reading the sequel to Legend.

The second book I read which was completely influenced by every single bookuber on YouTube and that was March's booksplosion book of the month Panic by Lauren Oliver.

This book had some serious hype all over the BookTube community and GoodRead because of the incredible Lauren Oliver who also wrote the Delerium Trilogy.
Panic is set in a fictional town in New York called Carp. Carp is the most boring town that has ever existed so every year the teenagers of Carp host Panic.Anyway throughout the Summer the Panic players go through all these tasks, but for what? Well the person who wins the games gets the prize money and this year the prize money is up to $67,000. But throughout the book you start to think is that money really worth it. 
Anyway it was by far my favourite book of the month and I gave it a  5 out of 5 stars of GoodReads so if you want to see the reviews click here. I highly recommend this book and this was another I couldn't put down. I just wish it wasn't a stand alone as some things were left unanswered (sad face). 

The third book I finish was the first book in the Percy Jackson and The Olympians series The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan 
I just want to say the the movie adaptions are a pile of poo compared to the books and I want them to be completely redone so they're made to the book. 

Like half the movie doesn't happen in the book argh just makes me angry.
Moving on, the book was wonderful! Plus they're aren't that big either I believe this one is the biggest out of the 5 and it still was only just over 350 pages. 
I'm a big fan of fictional books based on Greek Mythology so this has moved straight up into my top 10. If you want to read the synopsis click here and I gave it a 4 out of  stars. 

The fourth book I completed was the sequel to The Lightning Thief and it is The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan 

Again the movie rendition was utter bollocks the only things the got right was the name of the quest and the ending, again very touchy subject!
Other than that I'm not going to same much else because it is a sequel but if you enjoyed The Lightning Thief I recommend getting your hands on this little baby as soon as possible you will not reject it. Plus as a bonus it is the smallest of the 5 and I read it within 2 days of the Easter holidays. 
I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars as it was amazing but it's still a really great book!

Ah the final book I read in April was the third installment of PJ and the Olympians series an is The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
Obviously I'm not going to say much about the plot as it is halfway through the series and I'm not going to be that person who spoils books (ahem my dad!).
The quest is great and Rick is slowly bringing in more Gods and the books progress so we are seeing more of them interacting with their children.
If you haven't read the Percy Jackson series go and get the first book you will not regret it.

So they were all the books I read last month and I plan on reading 3 more this month.
Well I'm going to try my hardest because of exam season. 
Anyway I am planning on reading the remainder of the Percy Jackson series The Battle of the Labyrinth and The Last Olympian as well as starting the new series Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins. 

What did you read last month?
What are you planning on reading this month?
toodle-pip me lovelies 

Beth xxx

Saturday 3 May 2014

Monthly Wish List: May

It's time again where I tell you want to bring home from the shops.
1. Essie More The Merrier £7.99
2. MAC Patina Pan Refill £10.00
3. Topshop T-Bar Buckle Geek Shoes in Tan £32.00
4. MAC Sumptuous Olive Pan Refill £10.00
5. Nina By Nina Ricci 50ml £39.50
6. Rimmel London Apocalips in Celestial £6.49
7. New Look Stone Twist Lock Across The Body Bag £17.99
8. Essie Licorice £7.99
9. Essie Naughty Nautical £7.99

Obviously I won't be getting them all but I'd really love to get the Nina fragrance more than anything on my wishlist - even more than the nail polishes (shocker!)

so what are you lusting after for the month of May?
will you be getting any of your wishlist?
toodle-pip me lovelies

Beth xxx

Thursday 1 May 2014

Mid-Week Mini Haul

Yes I did it again and I know I have no self control but atleast this time it was only small. Yes I really do mean small it is only my products from boots thanks to the 3 for 2 offer, yay!
So I only had the intention of repurchasing me beloved Maybelline Colossal Volum' Cat Eyes mascara but I walked into boots and saw all the 3 for 2 banners and posters lying about so obviously me being me I couldn't resist the offer. 
So I picked up my mascara and then headed straight for the Essie stand but to my horror there wasn't one! What kind of boots doesn't have an Essie stand, apparently Bletchley!
Knowing I wasn't going to get naughty nautical I decided to have a browse and pick up what catches my eye that's when I came across the rimmel london stand and the Apocalips were displayed at the top and Galaxy instantly caught my eye. It's beautiful muted plum colour with a slight shimmer undertone. I'm already a big fan of the apocalips and I've only purchased two.
My last items that I got in my 3 for 2 offer was Soap and Glory's 'It's About Prime' eyeshadow underbase. Now I've had a problem with my eyeshadow creasing throughout the day so I thought I'd give a primer a go so I originally tried MUA's own primer and it sucked! Hard! But what can you expect for something that only costs £1.50. Now I decided I need to something of better quality plus I've heard countless good reviews about It's About Prime. Also £8.00 isn't exactly breaking the bank so it's a win win in my eyes.

Colossal Cat Eyes Mascara - £7.99
It's About Prime - £8.00
Apocalips - £6.49

After all this I only spent £15.99 and I got 64 points on my boots card yay!
As a bonus I got a voucher for boots, the next time I go in I will get 8 points for every £1 I spend - who doesn't love a good deal!

do you love a good 3 for 2 deal?
which brands do you normally get in the deal?
toodle-pip me lovelies 

Beth xxx