Tuesday 8 July 2014

The Emoji Movie Tag!

This is just a really fun tag and I kinda of stole it from a load of booktubers but instead of books I decided to use movies because well why not.
Anyway the rules are simple you pick the 5 most used emojis on your phone/tablet whatever you use and pick a movie that pairs with how you use the emoji.
Anyway enough of me rambling and onto the tag we shall go.

So I use this emoji for one reason and one reason alone and that is when I find something so fricking funny words can no longer explain how I am feeling.
The movie I picked that perfectly explained this emoji was The Other Woman and anyone who has seen this movie will fully understand why this emoji explains it so well. 

This emoji is often when someone has said something cringey or they're telling me about how they saw something cringey and if i don't know how to reply I'll just send this emoji. The winner is... The Jackass series. I just cringe in digust to all the "pranks" they do and then they film then nope nope nope I want to use this emoji right now!

Sassy hair flip girl emoji is a recent discovery but still very used. When I feel like being extra sassy when sending a text I will stick this on at the end. Who doesn't love being extra sassy, exactly no-one. John Tucker Must Die takes the cake with this one! The amount of sass in that movie, just wow such sass! Anyone who has watched it will completely agree with me.

This is Mr. Cool Dude and I use him when I think what I've just said was super cool or what I'm doing is so much cooler than what you're doing. 
The Mr. Cool Dude award goes to Iron Man, Tony Stark well and truly wins this because he is the ultimate Mr. Cool Dude - wouldn't you agree (I know Paige would).

The Phoooooaaaaarrrrr face really doesn't need any explanation. When me and my friends talk about someone we find someone attractive we use this face in the place of any words. 
I can only think of one movie - Magic Mike. Girls you know why the phoaaaaarr face is used. Topless Channing Tatum and Alex Petyfer nom nom nom 

I hope you really enjoyed this tag, I really enjoyed writing tag.
I tag my bestfriend Paige and anyone else who would like to do this tag
toodle-pip me lovelies

beth xxx 

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