Wednesday 19 March 2014

The Book Cake Tag

Reading this from A Little Bit of Literature's Blog I thought I would give it a go.

It takes on the element of baking a cake but replacing the ingredients with books that fit that category. Alright enough waffling and time to get on with the tag.

Flour - A book that started off slow but picked up as it went along 

I would definitely have to say Game Of Thrones by George R.R. Martin it took me forever to get through that book I just kept getting bored throughout as the plot started to slow down but the last few chapters got me hooked and now I'm reading the series.

Margarine - A book that had a really rich and great plot
Hunger Games seems to fit this category the most packed full of drama, action, plot twists, romance, dystopian worlds and a bit of adventure how could you not love it. There were somethings you didn't expect and some things you could predict but this is definitely a marathon worthy book so if you haven't got yourself a copy of The Hunger Games - go get you some!

Eggs - A book that you thought was going to be bad but ended up quite enjoyable

When I downloaded Beautiful Creatures onto my kindle I had heard mixed reviews so I can't say I thought it was going to be bad but then I didn't think it was going to be good either. But how wrong was I, by the end of the I realised I had ended up quite enjoying it due to the mix of paranormal and romance (2 of my favourite genres of book). Mind you as you went through the series I felt the books enjoyment decreased especially during the last book in the series Beautiful Redemption.

Sugar - A sweet book

Sophie Kinsella's Confessions of a Shopaholic has all the elements of romance and plenty of will they won't they's. The plot thickens throughout the 5 books but still maintaining the omg so cute factor of the book so I was kept happy.

Icing - A book that covered every single element that you enjoy in a book

Fault In Our Stars. John Green is a writer who also does YouTube so check out his channel out TheVlogBrothers. Anyway this book has the perfect combination of funny moments, cute/romantic/quirky moments and extremely sad which induces crying moments and a absolutely brilliant plot with and unexpected twist!

Sprinkles - A book series that you can turn to for a little pick me up 

The series has to be Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. That woman is a pure genius there are so many pick me up moment throughout the series. Like when Harry is going through Diagon Alley for the first time or when Harry sends his own sons to Hogwarts. This series is my childhood so why wouldn't I turn to this series for a little pick me up.

A Cherry On Top - Your favourite book of the year so far
This is a no brain Divergent. Veronica Roth created my perfect book and with Dystopian world books being my new favourite to read I just couldn't put it down at all. In fact I loved the book so much it was finished within 2 days and the trilogy was completed within the same week. I highly recommend this triology plus the movie adaption is released on the 4th of April so get reading. I could have put this book in so many other categories but it earned its rightful place as my favourite book. 

toodle-pip me lovelies 

Beth x


Unknown said...

I agree with you on Harry Potter, it' such a magical book the books are just amazing!


Unknown said...

I know right! I'm so excited for the spin off series xx