Saturday 22 March 2014

This or That?

I've seen this tag all over Bloglovin' so I thought might answer it - you never know you may learn something interesting about me.

1. Blush or Bronzer?
I wear both of them but I do wear blusher more than bronzer
2. Eyeliner or Mascara?
Mascara hands down, lets face it eyeliner looks odd without mascara, but mascara can just do its own thing
3. Foundation or Concealer?
I'm a foundation girl and if you have a decent coverage foundation you don't really need concealer unless you got some dark circles going on
4. Neutral or Colour Eyeshadow?
I prefer neutrals I think most girls do but I do wear colour just not bam in your face, it's normally subtle colour
5. Pressed or Loose Shadows?
Pressed they are easier to work with and there is less fall out
6. Brushes or Sponges?
There's no competition, brushes!
1. OPI or China Glaze?
OPI, I think it has a longer wear and a wider range of colours
2. Long or Short Nails?
I'm and inbetweener, can't have them too short but I can't have them too long
3. Acrylic or Natural?
Natural every step of the way, acrylics just destroy your nails
4. Brights or Darks?
Both!! You can't make me choose!
1. Perfume or Body Mist?
Perfume all the way - especially Viva La Juicy Noir
2. Lotion or Body Butter?
Body butter I have a stack of The Body Shop body butters piling up in my room they are creamier and more moisterising than a lotion 
3. Body Wash or A Block Of Soap?
A block of soap and preferably from lush, they leave a lingering scent and make your skin softer
4. Lush or Another Bath Company?
LUSHHHH!!! The bath bombs are so amazing!
1. Jeans or Sweatpants?
Jeans! Even if I'm lounging at home
2. Long sleeves or Short?
Hmmm a toughy, long sleeves when choosing a jumper but the rest short sleeves
3. Dresses or Skirts?
oooo dresses, I don't get to wear them enough and they can just look so cute especially in the summer with some sandals 
4. Stripes or Plaid?
meh not to keen on either, is floral an option? If I had to pick i'd rather had stripes
5. Flip-Flops or Sandals?
Oooo I don't know that's tricky, flip-flops just easy to put on but sandals look so cute
6. Scarves or Hats?
Hats all the way, love my beanies and the summer hats 
7. Studs or Dangly Earrings?
Studs and only Tresor Paris studs
8. Heels or Flats?
Flats most of the times and heels for going out
9. Cowbody Boots or Riding Boots?
Riding Boots.
10. Jackets or Hoodies?
Jackets for leaving the house and hoodies for lounging about when you're cold at home
11. Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe?
FOREVER 21 all the fricking way, I love that shop!
12. Abercrombie or Hollister?
13. Saks 5th or Nordstrom?
Well I'm British so I don't have either in this country but I would rather go to Saks
1. Curly or Straight?
Straight as that is how I wear my hair everyday but curly when I'm feeling fancy
2. Bun or Ponytail?
A messy Ponytail because who can be bothered to make it neat?
3. Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips?
BOBBY PINS! I couldn't do my everyday hairstyle without bobby pins
4. Hairspray or Gel?
Hairspray without a shadow or a doubt
5. Long or Short Hair
6. Light or Dark Hair?
Light, I'm blonde so I'm going to vote my category and besides I went brunette and it did not suit me! :/
7. Side Sweeping Fringe or Full Fringe?
No fringe?
8. Hair Up or Down?
Down, I rarely ever put my hair up
1. Rain or Shine?
Shine but I like the rain when I'm wrapped up in bed watching a movie
2. Summer or Winter?
Summer as I am a summer baby and no school for 6 weeks!
3. Spring or Fall?
Both are equally as pretty but Spring as it's slowly to starting to get warmer and the nights get longer
4. Chocolate or Vanilla?
In icecream vanilla but cake chocolate

Well that's the this or that tag I hope you enjoyed it and you learned a little bit more about me?
toodle-pip me lovelies 

Beth xx


Unknown said...

i love reading tag posts and learning more about the blogger! this one seems fun i think i may do it! id love it if youd check out my blog and comment back xx

Unknown said...

Yeah I agree i think it's a great way to get to know the blogger and sure thing i'll give your blog a look at

Unknown said...

I love reading this post, i'm so nosy!


Unknown said...

If you love being nosy you should wait until tomorrow's post xx