Thursday 21 November 2013

The Rachael Post

Rach is my longest friend since moving back to England it's almost been 5 years. I met her on the intake day for my Upper School and we were put in the same form. Also being the only person going to All Saints from my middle school i had to make friends and quickly and to my lucky Rach was really friendly (WOO!!). Ever since that day we've been best friends. Rach is actually the only friend I remember deciding to be friends with. All the others just kinda happened and I don't remember how. 

Once I started year 9 I'd been put in most lessons with Rach and after spending most of my time in the day with her, I soon learned how much of an amazing person she was. Not only is Rach beautiful, but her blonde moments just amaze everyone. We also had the same kind of humour so we had plenty to talk and laugh about during our walks to school. 
Rach is also one of the most caring people of our group. It has been proven from the majority of our parties she is normally making the people who are out of it are okay and have a bucket. 

We also enjoy quite a lot of the same books - quite a few times she has recommended a certain book to me and I end up really enjoy reading it. Mind you we can't borrow each others books anymore as I have a kindle (which I love). Rach is very anti-kindle; she would much prefer to sit down and read a book, turn the pages and once she has finished she can see how well loved the book is. Rach has often told us that she loves the smell of old books and it gives her a great satisfaction of placing her books on the bookshelf. So I can see her point of anti-kindleism but I'm still pro-kindle. 
When it comes to make-up, well she knows where to put it on her face but she isn't a makeup fanatic like me and Paige are. So when Rach asks me a question related to makeup I can't help but laugh sometimes - but she is learning.
Lately Rach has considered herself somewhat of an modern artist. So she comes up with these 'abstract' pieces which the whole group just think is pure geniusness (yep, a-huh, yeah, yes). The mind of a vegetarian when they see meat is my favourite it is just brilliant. With the way it overlaps sometimes I wonder how she even came up with the concept (it is an inside joke). 
If I'm being honest Rach is just one of the genuine people you will ever meet, what you see is what you get with her. Even if Rach tried to be fake she would fail terrible but it was result in a new very funny inside joke! I really do love Rach and if she wasn't around I don't know how I would cope as she is my rock. 

Thanks for reading something about Rach
au revoir

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